At 5 Tool Performance our Strength & Conditioning program will train all muscle groups, test your overall strength and metabolic system by implementing functional and athletic movements. All of our programs seek to prevent injuries and to maintain good health: physically and mentally. Our mission is to make you better in whatever you are looking to accomplish when you step through our doors. We have designed a facility that caters to those looking to increase their overall health and wellness in the weight room, from those who have never picked up a weight before to powerlifters and everyone in between. Starting at a new gym can be intimidating but we are committed to making you feel at home the moment you step foot in our facility. We have a variety of different services we’re offering – if you are interested but don’t know where to begin please reach out today to schedule a consultation.

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Rest of Gym for 5 Tool Website


Our Strength & Conditioning programs incorporate total athletic development. We design programs to improve movement patterns, develop power, and increase strength. All of our programs aim to improve each athlete both physically and mentally. Each athlete receives a program customized to them and their needs. During an athletes’ initial session they will be evaluated to determine their strengths and weaknesses, assess how they move overall, and cover any injury history they may have. As an athlete trains with us they will be led through the program by our strength coaches, ensuring proper form and execution of the workout. We train athletes with any background in strength and conditioning, whether it be your first time in a gym or someone who has been strength training for many years. Our goal is to help athletes reach their full potential by maximizing what their body can do, all while working to keep their body healthy.


Duration         Cost
1 hour              $125.00


Duration         Cost
1 hour               $70.00


Duration           Cost
30 minutes         $70.00



We will be focusing on the player’s health and preventative injury awareness. The program will analyze each athletes movement patterns, bio mechanics,  and physique to put together a proper warm up structure, a throwing specific strength and conditioning program designed for accelerated gains, all while keeping injury prevention at the forefront. The importance of training each player to properly accelerate and decelerate is crucial to maintaining healthy stability throughout their current baseball seasons and beyond. We have years of data, knowledge, and experience to not only help keep our athletes healthy on the field, but also to perform better with consistent growth for each athlete individually.


Duration         Cost
1 hour              $125.00